Thomas T. Field

Media reports related to celebrity divorce and custody matters often fall into the category of “fake news”, or maybe more appropriately, “misunderstood news”.  Unfortunately, the first one to the press usually has the upper hand in public perception as that will be the headline that garners the most attention, even if it is blatantly false or misleading.

In the latest news coming from the Brad and Angelina divorce/custody proceedings, it has been asserted in the media that Brad isn’t paying his child support.  While it is highly unlikely that this is the case, the reports have not even suggested that there is a court order in place requiring the payment of any specific amount of support that could even be violated.

This leads to the point, which is, fantastic news that sells advertising and copy is a business and personal matters as in this example should never make it into the news, accurate or not, if the attorneys involved are experienced in handling such matters.  Having represented a number of celebrities, we at Beermann LLP strive to stay above the fray and rarely comment on our cases, and only with the client’s permission.

Thomas T. Field, Partner and Head of Family Law Group