Congratulations to Equity Partner, James M. Quigley, (DePaul College of Law – 92) on his inauguration as President of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML) – Illinois Chapter, founded in 1962 and the largest chapter in the nation. AAML’s stated mission is to provide leadership that promotes the highest degree of professionalism and excellence in the practice of Family Law. There are currently more than 1650 Fellows in 50 states. To be represented by a Fellow of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers is to be represented by a leading practitioner in the field of family law. Quigley also enjoys the exclusive designation of 100 of the Country’s top Family Law litigators as a Diplomate in the exclusive American College of Family Trial Lawyers (ACFTL) as well as Board Certified in Family Trial Law through the National Board of Trial Advocacy (NBTA).
Mr. Quigley plans on implementing new strategies, building on existing achievements, such as scholarships, and a positive outlook focused on reconnecting the Bench and the Bar coming out of these unprecedented times, with a renewed focus on collegiality and interpersonal relationships to improve the practice for Judges, Family Law attorneys and litigants alike. “I feel incredibly humbled and honored to serve the family law can’t wait to get to work,” said Mr. Quigley.
Quigley’s partner, Miles N. Beermann, one of the original members of the Illinois Chapter, noted that “The AAML is a fine organization that has a duty to uphold the laws outlined in the Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act, which includes among other things: strengthening and preserving the integrity of marriage and safeguarding family relationships, promoting the amicable settlement of disputes that arise between parties to the marriage and mitigating the potential harm to spouses and their children caused by the process” Beermann went on the state that “James is a super person to head up this organization. He is a fine lawyer, ethical, and practices in the best interest of the client. I’m certain that he will do what he can in his presidency not only to uphold and encourage the same practices that are first and foremost at Beermann LLP, but also encourage others within the family law field to do the same.”
The entire Beermann LLP family congratulates James M. Quigley on this tremendous honor. To learn more about James M. Quigley please click here: www.beermannlaw.com/team/james-m-quigley | jamesmquigley.com