Happy New Year is a greeting that does not ring true for everyone. For couples struggling to hold their marriage together, it often is the moment when they feel the need to move on. Family law firms traditionally receive an influx of inquiries from new clients seeking a divorce shortly after the New Year. In fact, the term “Divorce Day” was coined in reference to the first Monday of the year when these inquiries begin to roll in.  This may be due to excess family stress that began with Thanksgiving and finally reached a breaking point on Christmas Day or may be due to the classic “New Year’s Resolution” of making a clean break from unhealthy habits and relationships.

Regardless of your reasoning for seeking to divorce your spouse, I understand the decision is never easy. Having spent the past 20 years handling some of the most complex personal, parenting, and financial matters for my clients, one thing has never changed. I continue to help my clients set realistic expectations, take a practical path to reaching their goals, and work efficiently to preserve their wealth and protect their family.

Thomas T. Field, Partner

For more information on Mr. Field, please visit: www.beermannlaw.com/team/thomas-t-field.