Team 3 Cols v2

We help you avoid legal problems

Our attorneys have more than 80 years of combined legal experience and have represented thousands clients.

Founding Partner

Miles N. Beermann

    Equity and Managing Partner

    John M. D’Arco

      Equity Partner

      Thomas T. Field

        Equity Partner

        Howard A. London

          Equity Partner

          Beth F. McCormack

            Equity Partner

            Kathryn H. Mickelson

              We are always looking for new partners

              If you are interested to work with us contact our office. Cu qui inani aeque fabulas, dicant consetetur te eum. Est ne viris saperet. Quas affert cu duo. Sed vitae maiestatis id, mea ut consetetur contentiones. Civibus consequuntur.

              Contact Us